Monday, 14 July 2014

Christmas is coming.........

I hate to state the obvious but time is galloping by and Christmas will be here soon.
In preparation for our celebrations with the Wednesday Ladies I decided to set up a raffle;
the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes being massage with me.
 The idea is for participants to make a 5" (finished) block which will become the raffle ticket.

this is my sample to start the ball rolling
A name and contact number is written on the back in the selvedge so that when we draw the tickets at our Christmas breakup I am able to contact the winners.
It's a great opportunity to use bits and pieces out of the scrap box.
The Details are as follows:
You are invited to join us for a
Pre Christmas “Block Raffle”
Prizes to be won:  
Massage of your choice with Remedial Massage Therapist, Linda Bear.
st Prize   …….   90 minute massage of your choice
nd Prize   …….   60 minute massage of your choice   
rd Prize    …….  30 minute massage of your choice

To Enter :
*Make a block; 5” finished size
You may use any techniques that you wish
(a great opportunity to challenge yourself and expand your skill)

*Write your name and contact number on the back in
the seam allowance

*The blocks become the raffle tickets – Please hand the blocks into the ladies at the shop or to Linda directly.
They will be on display until the morning of the draw

Cost : Entry is Free

Entries Close :
Saturday , 29th November 2014

Raffle Draw :
 Wednesday, 3rd  December 2014 at 11 am.

Prize winners will be contacted by phone to organize collection of prizes
Blocks will be available for collection from Thursday, 4th December 2014
Prizes cannot be redeemed for cash

About Linda:
Linda Bear is a Remedial Massage Therapist and a member of
AAMT (Australian Association of Massage Therapists).
She is currently based at Elgar Rd Chiropractic Centre,
                645 Elgar Rd,
                                          Mont Albert North, 3129                         PH. 9890 1740
 Please call Linda on 0438 3000 if you have any questions in regard to Remedial Massage Therapy
If you are interested in joining in contact me on 0438 300045 and we'll sort the details
The more the merrier!
We will displaying all of the "Raffle Tickets" until the day of the draw.

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