Monday, 31 December 2012

Some stitching

I've managed to do a bit of stitching over the last day or two with
13 down, 7 to go.

These blocks are 2" finished and will be the posts for my
"A Stitch in Time - Romanesque" quilt.
There are only two main fabrics used in this design.
I've decided to use a large open floral cut into smaller pieces this time around; the idea being
that the fabrics represent the texture and movement of marble.
I've scattered a scrap or two of different fabrics throughout the quilt for artist interest. 


  1. Very cute, can't wait to see the rest of the quilt.

  2. The blocks look great in the 2 fabrics - another one for you to see
    Like everything it is a work in progress but I hope to finish it this year.
