Sunday, 17 March 2013

Linda, Linda, where for art thou?....

Here I am, Dear Reader. A bit brain drained but hopefully wiser for the experience.
 I would not blame you for thinking that I had stopped the "Pursuit" as it's been about a month since my last entry.
The truth be known I don't think I've had a busier time in my life.
In the past month I've been to quilt valuation and judging lectures,
Opera in the market,
the Premier's Gala Dinner for Cultural Diversity week,
Monbulk Community Quilt show for the CFA,
 done the colonoscopy thing (don't have to go back for a while -YAY)
donated at the Blood Bank (and passed out - oops!)
semi finished 2 quilts (they are still waiting for bindings)
got the lad back to school (he's performed extremely well with his swimming- into district)
Started back teaching for the new year
Gone back to school myself!!
All I can think about is
Thank goodness the Lord is pretty much self sufficient and doesn't complain about the meals!
In fact I am very proud to say that he has picked up the slack quite nicely.
(and a bit relieved too)
 Each time I've been out the camera has been on the table at home, wondering why it was not included in the trip or has had operational issues (perhaps that's me and not the camera)
Actually I feel exhausted thinking about it all.
However, in the true spirit of Blogger World I will pull my digit out, and the camera as well and post some pictures for you this evening.
Consider this a brief intermission